£44 II/ hat rnui ChrifitaNs do, that the irfluerce Semi. z 8. th.tn this puddle. Thc:tres, and del(;hts, and emplayrnens of the world when they are -inanodrate or unfeafonable, they chock the Word, Matti). 13.22. they f.ifl: the of holy Ordinances fo as ftlx comes-li-ke the untimely birth of a woman. W hen our hearts are warmed in holy duties, you could be 2S cautious and wary how you venture into the world ; as you are of going into the frofty air , when yOu are all in a fweat. What is kindied by the Word or pri)er, e'c. how quickly is it puft out by the world, when you rufh into it unwarily ? it requires as much care to. keep it in, as to kcep a Candle in , when you would carry ic through the open air in a rainy blullrirg night. The further you are above the world the longer may you retain any fpirituli.1 impreffions. Geographers write of force Mountains whofe tops are above the middle Region of the Air-; and there lines and figures be- ingdrawn in the duft, have been found (fay they) in the fame form and order, untouched, undefaced a long time after : and the rea- fon is, becaufe they are above thole winds, and fhowres, and-hems, which foon wear out., and eft-act any fuch draughts in this rimer Re- gion The lower your minds and hearts and converfations are, the more in the hurry of this boyfterous world , let's will any tlTiog.that is heavenly and fpiritual abide upon tem. Let the foul be brought into never fo good order, by the help of holy duties : yet a little unwary ingaging in earthly bufinefs will ruffle, diflurb and:: quite difeompofe it.. When your fonls-. are by the power of the Ordinance let on um.; tien towards Chri and Heaven ; if yòu would- hold (mina continu- ed courfe, you -rnna beware of worldlinefs, and keep free as much as may be from early incumbrces and in!anglement, Le; we lay aide every weight, and the Poe which dothlo fiíj Aefet gdr, god let n run with patience the race that 1;$ fft leforc us, Heb. 12, I. Let us per- . fevere and 'wild out in that gracious and heavenly courfe, Which the Gofpel bath put .us on: but that this may done, ol'.e great im- pediment mull be -removed, The fin that loth fo afilj hifet iu 7741 14, ¡ht k' of, Now that tin,' as force Er..p6fito.s corc:ivr, is wed, find's, and -it is probable for delfitioC s Ocumftarc.: pi LugV92.70-, if -kre render it literally, is the uk ;hrit bath dr;cLizi. Lances. And no-fin lets off it felf with more goodly circumflatIces than worldlinefs , no fin bath more fpecious pas and nreterces to ex- ,clife vindicat e. ad juflifie it felt: N9 fin bb more I-fig !IIPICS IQ CO°. ver