Sant 28, of the ordinances may abide npon them ? 645 . ver its nakednefs, and to fl-hrowdit from difcovery and conviction than o;id.linefs. This mutt be fbaken off, it is the great defacer of itiav'triN 'impreflions , the chief interrupter of holy motions': if yob wodl ï holds on, when the impetus which isim_pref; on' you by any Ordinance, hath ter. you a going ; beware of the world, beware of wor?dinefs. *T hirdly, Take herd of any inordinacy in affe&ion, inclination or design. Such inordinacies give the bear: a ftrorg bias, holy .du- ties check it but a little,. give is but as it were a final :rub : `. :_ i.`i is once pail over, it drill hold on, in that courfc to -which i , i fweyed. TheMniLry of Fohz B4ril had fome influence tip,: < , rod, He he john giadly , and did malty thingr, Mark 6. zo. b fenfuality being predominant, thofe better. inclinations Were quite overpowred. The word ir.d. fume efft upon Si mon 11'lagiis, Ií,: believed, A&. 8. 13. and being taken for a believer war bapti t d, and afterwards continsed with Philip , &c. but a thong aEt ation of vain-glory fuppreffed thofe better motions, and the worn got up- moft. Take heed of any inordinacy as to lawful things,your r ia- tions, fiudies, ordinary callings, &c. this will not fuffer you to come fo often to holy duties, to flay fo long in them, or to be fo intent upon them, as is rsquifite for the deep imprefftng of their ef- ficacy :and after they are done, this will hurry your fouls from un- der thofe thoughts and exercifes which fhould fix and fettle their virtue and influence upon your minds and hearts. Natural bodies follow the tendency of that element which is predominant in them, a flone moves downwards, it would be at the centre ; that which flops it, offers it violence, and when the force is removed, down it falls freely. Juts thus dóth the heart follow the tendency of 'thefe in- ordinacies, if it meet with a flop in an Ordinance that's but an un- gratefull violence to it ? it will ftruggle to break through ir, will be refflefs till the force be removed, till the power of the O.dinance be fhaken off, which checks an inclination natural and acceptable to it, and what hopes in this cafe, that the efficacy of any holy duty will long continue? Fourthly, Rea not in the bell performance of any duty, nor in any affillances you find therein,. though they be fpecial and more than ordinary. If this fatisfie and exalt you, you will beapt to grow fecure and carelefs, not looking to the improvement of;Ordinan- cçs when oqcc they arc over, and that's the way to lofe ail. We Nnnn 3. are