rab What /h:iuld Chrißìans do, that the inflcsencc Serin. 28. are apt, to take the moil dangerous colds, when we are in the great- ell heat =. And its obferved that forne profeffors have had the fowl- efl 'falls, after they have been moft elevated in holy impoloyments. The refting upon the opus op1ratum the meer outward performance of a du,y, when the heart is not ingagee' therein, is an open pit, which none fall into, fave thole that are blind : but the reflingup- on the opus operantsá a duty aff:c;ionately pérformed, is a more fecrer, and fo a more dangerous snare. He that makes account he bath daì;e enough, becaufe he hath done well ; may be apt to think he innot. obliged to look further after it : and fo the continued influence of the duty upon his heart and life, which is indeed the principal ad- vantage of ir, may be neglecged and confequently loft for want of looking to. To conclude, Make not the Ordinances yourer.d, but ufe them. as the means to attain ir. They are rot injoyned us for themfelwes, tut in order to fomthing more defìrable their end is fomething further than their ufe. Take heed you place Tot all your Religion, in hearing, praying, con municatirg, &-c. neither count your felves religious enough, becaufe l ou are much and often in thefe duties, This is to wake them your end, and then you will refi therein with - out proceeding further (for the motion of the Agent is terminated in his end : ) and fo yOu will flay fl;ort of that,for which they were principally intended, viz. the keeping of.your hearts and minds in a f,tled poflure of holinefs and righteoufnefs : and neglect 'that, by which this main end of the Ordinances is onely to be attained, viz., the continuing of their influence upon you. So much for the cafe propounded, which I have indeavoured to refolve (as the nature of it requires) practically : and therefore as there is no time for fo there will be lets need of Application. But that I may not difmifs you without fomething of this nature, having laid your duty before you in the Obfervation, and fhewed you how it rnav be performed in fatisfyirg the cafe : Let me now prefs you to to the performance of it by one Confideration, which will have the force of a Motive, where there is any fenfe of foul- corcernments. If the efficacy dale Ordinances aside not on you, you cannot be fruitful) under them, at leafs you cannot brim forth fruit unto per fiRion, (as the expreflion is Luke 8. 14.) you may bring forth buds, or leaves, or bloff)mes, 6-e.. but if their_ influence continue not, that which you bring forth will ne r er come to ripenefs and perfetiìon ; it