$erm. 28. óf the ordinances may abide upon them ? 647 it will be crude and fowre at bell, and fowre Grapes areas bad as no fruit in the Lords account : and unfruitfullnefs will provoke the Lord to deprive you of the Gofpel and Ordinances, Ifai:rh 5.2, S, 6. Telooked that it should bring forth Grapes , ana' it brought forth wild Grapes. And now go to, I will tell you what I will do to my vine- yard. I will take away the hedge thereof. I will lay it wane" that it [bill not be pruned nor Jigged. 1 will al fo Comynar/d the (Ludt that they rain no rain upon it. Thz meaniig of this parable (1 fir as concerns our purpofe) is expreffed by another tbrearn:n;, denou.u- ced for the fame fin, Matth. 21, 43. The lingdeme of God (i.e. the Gofpel of the kingdom ) f7all be takN from you, andgiven to a peo- ple bringing forth the fruits thereof. And ChrtlTs threarnirg of Ephe- firs amounts to as much, Rev 2. 4, 5. Neverthclr fs I have fomcthing' againft thee, becaufe then hart left thy fir fl tive. The first imprc Mons of theGofptl were worn off and vanished. And what follows , I will come againft thee quick- and remove thy .Candleflick out of its place., unleft thou repent. So that this fin will pull up your hedr,e, and break down your wall, level all your fccuriti. s and fo lay you open to the boar of the wood, and the wild bcarnt of the field : filch as inflead of diggir.g"and .pruril g you, will devour and lay you walk. and Sharon will become a defart. '1 his in will provoke Chi ill to le;t the Stars fall out of his rig';t hard : f, as you will he left-to perifh for want of vifion. This fin will provoke the Lord to take the Gospel of the Kingdome from you : and leave you um er the beilifla irflu- ences of the prince of darknefs. This 1Gn will overturn your Can dlefticks, and extinguish your lights and .leave you no:i.ing' but the snuffs. This fin will deliver your firer gth into captivity , and your glory into the enemies hand. This fin will finite the fhepheards and fcatter the flocks, and lay the heritage of God dnfolate. This fin will caufe your Sun to fet at noon, and torn the day of your gracious vifitation , into a fad and dáfinal night. This fin will turn the place which bath been a valley of vifion into a feat of darkness, and a valley of the fh, dozy of death. If then you would avoid. a judgement, which frikes not only at your etatesand lives, but at your fouls.: if yon would-preventthat- dreadful ftroke, which may int only reach your re; ves, but your posterity ,your children and childrens Children ; if,you would not have them and your felve , and thousands and trillions with you, bereaved of the Gofpel, grid the mans of grace and life : t ke all ca e,