Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

The Table. ,Gentlenefs. To be ebferved in Reproofs. 176 H. Hand. ¡Vita; net by right Hand. 48, 49 Extellfncy of it. 51 Heart. Mull- be narrowly watched. 66,101, 133 And much labouredrrithall. 676 Health the proper time for working out Salvation. 127 Holtnefs u communicative. 282 Clorifl the patters of it. 32 Hope. Nature of that Chrif fan Grad 422 From Creatures vain. 557 Hofpitality. 257 Humility the fouls ballad. 446 Makes us thrive. 25 Makes good men have the worfl thoughts of themfelves. 655 Hypocrite what it U. 649 Why eomparedto leaven. ibid. Danger of it. 658 Six figns of it. 658,&c. How to stare it. 663, 664, &c. Motives to of e thofe means. 667 I Impatience. 444 Inconftancy inall things. 223 Indeavours not vain before Conver- f en. 36337 Inequality between men inconfieler able. 222 Interceffion of Chrifl, its power. 295 Juftice. An exaEt and ea- -e Rule of it. 217 Rules fur it in Trade. 230, sic. Advantage mull not the taken of mens ignorance. It mull be mixt with Charity. Gods Juflice in punifhing. Injury. How ito,ufl be profecxted. 396 L Law. It is fix fold. 308 When Lawfull things undo tts. 554 How we may know that we abufe them. 55o, 0.c. Do not all that is Lawful!. 234 Liberty. What Liberty Gods Spirit gives. 510, &c. How to deal with others in matters of Liberty. 7 Love. It will put Life into us. 498 The left prefervxtive againfl the leaff fin. 96 In the Will, and in the Appetite. 189 To God and Chr;íl how di flinguifhed. What is it to Love Chri ff . Ib. Twelve Characters of it 192 Do all out of Love to God. 25 Falfe Love. 205 Want of Love to him the great* fin. 206, 0-C. Brings the greatef punifhment. 208 Motives to Love him. 209, tic. How to inflame our Love to him. 2rz,&i How to increafe the flame. 215 M. Marriage. 571 Mifery. Of a'inner. 352, &c. Offthole that love not Chrifl.zo8,360 Minìfiery. Difficulty of that lmployment.'. I26 Meditation. Two benefits of it: 469 Makes, 233 245 I42