Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

The Table. Makes the Efficacy o f Ordinances con- tinue. 674 Morning. Morning thoughts to be ebf erved. 6z Mortification. ...!cuntinned Xi. 73 Mourn. For the fins of others. 147 Moderation. What it is. 374 The Rule of it. 376 In what things to be ufed. 38o How towards good things of this life. 381 Ho» towards the evil. 386 Towards perfon:. 389 daively. 389 Pafvelj. 393 In Religiatu.Negatively. 397 Pofttsvely. 400 Reafons to infarct this duty. 404,ß$-c. N Neighbour. Duties toward him much to be regarded. 236 O Obedience. Xt muff be cerr.+pleat. 67,7 0,71. Occations. Of fin to be avoided. 64,103 Omnifcience. Of God to be believed in prayer. 322, COT. His Omnipotence elf *. 324,426 Opinions. Moderately to be contended for. 400, 401 Original fin, 92, 112 Ordinances. To be frequented. 1 71,678 Their 'erase from Chrifr. 6 I 3 What we muff do to make their Effi- cacy abide. 678 What we mull avoid for that end. 68o+ ¡es Good, avd,ands loorffil. In Civil matters P Parents. Muff in f ruEl their children. 163 They muff command them to obey it. 165 Perfons. Muff not be re fpeCled. 153 Pleafure. Plea fant things dangerous. 65 Power of God. 426 No Power to convert our felves. 35 Threefold Power, 34 men can do more than they do. 36 Poor. //flock to be made for them. 266 Payer, Necefty of it. I IQ For our Relations. 181,183 For Charity. 264 Why God hears wicked men femetime.e. 328 Wicked met; are bowed to pray. Ibid. Why God will not give without prayer, 333 T. p r a y in Faith., what. 319,3 2 r >t c. t4ow for temporal thì 337 &c. Erna, fur f/Iirirual. 338, Ow. To be made with an eye to Otte* . 427, 327 T)iilr'a t io.n in Prayer. 460 Danger of carelefs thoughts in Pray- er. 455, trc. ,qnf wr r of Prayer makes a mercy lower. 485 Do nothing but what you can pray God to blefs. 31 Praife "worn-ages to do well. 173 Pro fperity. A time for-Trull its God. How it moil be dose. Propriety. 431 432, 'c. 259 pro-