Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

The Table. promifes. To be belived in Prayer. 326 Aground of our truft. 427 They quick. the foul. 499 Providence of God. 3 23 , 429 Prud:nce ita eVoiding fr.fferings. 632 Qjckning. What it is to Quicken. 492 Afekns of fpiritual Quick fling. 4.96 TcriQiickning Gonfiderations.5o1, R (d-c. Rafhnefs. In malting vnrns to be avoided. 583 Rea fon Io muft always govern. r o6 Rational Arguments to be ssfed. 180 Recreation, to be moderate. 579 Regenerate. Not without con fliels. 3 11 Relation. Study to fave our Relations. 158 Gods Relatia., to usagreundof trnfl. 427 Religion. A Chriflians buftnefs. 565 Wherein it dothconfff. ib. & feq. When it is our bufinefs. 569 Flow to mare it fo. 575, &c. Swectnefs of it. 576 When promoted by vsws. 584, (c. And how. 588 To be f ecured above all things. 63 0 Hew to pre crve it among enemies to it. 632 It binde: the duties of the fecond Ta- ble upon us. 237 Hoar to cony' erfe with men cf a -diffe- rent Religion. 638,639,&c. Repentance,-when it is true. - 89 11iadnefs to defer it. 39 Reproof. Sin to be Reproved. 147 Difccvers beloved fins. 6o Howtomanage it.266,269,276,382 9Lsaliftcar,ons of a Rtprover. 148 Of a Reproof. 151,152,0T.61.1. What muff he Reprovd. I50 Win the affeçtions of thole you Re- prove. 280 Seafon of Reproof is to be marked. 151, &c.250 Refolution againfl beloved fins. 63 Revenge not to be taken. 235 Rewards greatincour<,germcnts. I74 Riches : -rot to 6econfided in. 24.2 Scruples not to be therifhed. 18 Self - Knowledge. Hose excellent 99, 212 To begot in Solitude. 62. And in Sufferings. 63 Self - denial ofgreat advantage. 620 Salvation. Of our friends¡hoteldbe labored. 158 Strife about it. 45,46,496,497 Senfuality. 568 Security. 563 Sick. Jufrssldion to Sick perfons of great advantage. 120, How to be dealt wirhall. 121 The fame met hod improper for x11.123 Erreurs which they are fubjal to. I24, I25 Sits to be killed. Never to live again. It is from our Yves. Vglinefs of it. Why exprefed by tht parts of our be. dJ 53 of Beloved Sins. 54 Whtesct 5o ibid. 52 99-