Serm. 3. be difcovereddnd Mortified? 59 their iniy'sity, and vifit their fins ; as if a Felon or Murderer convia, fhould etcape out of prifon, and afterwards prefutne to come into the pretence of the Judge ; this brings his Felony or Murder into remem- brance : and herein their punifhment is vi{iblefin. They remember their fins in their duties, and fo will God. The people of God themfelves are tainted with this, Pridewas the Difciples mailer fin ; and whilfl they were healing Dìfeafes, and eating Devils our of ot her mens bodies, the proud Devil was tiirring in tl.eir own fouls : and our Saviourgives them a rebuke for that, Lak.1o.2o. In this rejoyce not, that fpirits are Luk.iaao. fubjefT unto you ; bet rather rejoyce, becaHfe your names are written in heaven. 3. Ir may beknown by its domination, its commandingpower over all other fins : look as there is a kind of government in Hell, fuch an one as it is: Beelzebub iscalled the Prince ofDevils; fo in a wicked mans foul, one fin or other is (till uppermofl, and keeps the throne : all other fins do as it were bow the knee to this fin, hold up the train of this fin : are obedient fervants to this fin, is faies to onego, and it goes,and to another come, and it comes : for intlance, if coveteufnef be the be- loved fin, lying, and deceiving, and injurious dealing will ferve that: If Ambition, temporizing and finful compliance will ferve that : If 4dultcry, finful wafting of time,and eflace, and body will ferve that. If Vainglory be the Pharifees great fin, devouring widows hoops under pre- tence of longprayers, will ferve that. As it is with a mans body, when it is hurt or maimed, all the ill humours will flow to the part that is ill affeaed. Hence it is, when amin is firfl wounded, he feels but a little pzin, becaufe he fufers only upon the fingle account of thedivifion of the part : but afterwards the pain is encreafed, for then he fullers doubly, upon the account of the divifion of the part, as alfohy the conflux of ill humours. When the foul hath received forne gafh,fome hurt more than ordinary by its particular fin all the finful humours will make hafte to feed that iniquity : fo that this is the fin that carries it and bears the fway in the foul. In a word : the finner bath the curie of Cham as it werepronounced upon him : a fervant of fervants is he, hisother fins are fervants to his beloved fin, and he himfelf is a (lave to them all. 4. That fin that Cenfcience in a particular manner, doth chide a mare for,that'ris likely maybe his particular fin, the Green word for Consci- ence is ai,'P fors, it lignifies a joynt knowledge, or knowledge with another. Jr takes notice of things together with God. Confcience is I 2 Gods