Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

66 Mai.I 5.I j, p1-3,78.34,3 Haw my Beloved Lar/s Serrri,3. in that meat he loved belt : the Devil tempts us with dillies fweerly poyfoned. Love anddetight,pariFab ambulant, walk together,and keep the fame pace : many a manbath been undone by riches and honours, and worldly comforts,like the Bee that is drowned in its oron honey. Ctrl. (bans be careful ; Every one of ue bathEverTweettooth in oar heads. 6. Labour to ad that grace in efpecial manner, which is contrary ro thy beloved (in : for inftance, if pee ?on be thydarling (in, labour to ad} the grace of nfeel nef; if excels, the graceof temperance; if rncleaknett, the grace cfchafity: let me tell you, where grace is helped by nature, upon the account of a mans temper . nd con(titution,there a littlegrace will go far: but when grace is to be employed againft nature,it had need to he ftrong and active your Watermen in force cafes take their cafe, and their Boats will go of themfelves,but when wind and ride is against them, then they mutt labour at the Oar,hic labor, hoc op{u. 7. Keep a watch over thy heart., Prov.4.23. Keep thy heart with a11. diligence, for out of izare the ;fuel of life : fo our Saviour, Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornication, thefts, fa,fe witnefs, bl,f hemy. Godlinefs is but a fanfie till the heart be reformed : v\ e read in the book cf Pfalmes of Ifraels turning unto God ; When he flew them, then theyfoughthim, and they returned, and enquired early after God, and they remembred that God wad- their rock, and thehigh God their redeemer : but was their converfion right ? no, Ver.36. They did flatter him with their mouth, and they lyed unto him with their tongue; and whence was this ? Ver.37. Theirheart was not right with him, nei- ther were they fledfafl in his covenant : therefore mortifie fin in its rife, in its firft principle, lay theaxe to the root, there is more fap in the root, than in the branches; there is more fin in the heart than in the life:one ftrokeat the root of the tree,conduces more to thedeadning ofit, than many at. thebody, or theboughs or any other part whatfoever. Toquicken your indu(try in this, know, that themotions of original fin, as theyarepermanent, fo they are exceedingviolent, and impetnosts. I remember the learned Davenant, deja(litiahaditttali afivali,cap.s; gives this difference, between the remi(lïon of a8%41 and original fn : when at}ual fins are forgiven, faith he, penitxe toll, ntor, quoad maculam reatum, both as co theirguilt andfilth: but it is nor fo with original fin, theguilt is doneaway, but theAgin remains ; this is a fin that dwelt in us, that abides in us, and abides by us ; we shall not be rid of the body of deatb,rill the death ofthe body. Sin is an ill tenant, it will not out till the houfe fall upon its head : now the certainty of the inherence of this &n, is an Wu/11M of the.morc efficacioufnefs of its operation, ?Nodose