Senn 3. bedifcovered Mori4eedP 67. _ modus operandi, fegrditur modam e¡feudi : unquenchable fire burns more fervently, than chat whichmay be exringuilired; the reafon why the Angels at this day do the will of God, in a moreeminent way ;C,an the Saints on earth, is, becaufe they have fuch a principle of holtners, as cannot be loll to Eternity, whereas the Saints on earth have a weaker principleof holinefs, which may unhappily be abated, though it be re- cruited again : the reafon why the foul of an healthful perfon, moves and at with more vivacity, and ene gy, and power, than the foul of a lick man, is, becaufe in the latter, is may he departing, and taking, its leaveof the body, or at left may be in danger fo todo,whereas r he for. naer, being a man of an hail and good conílitution of body, the foul may aet, inform, enliven it manyyears. 8. Get a refpet to all Gods Commandrssents,Pfa.t 19.6. then (hell 1 not be a tamed, when 1 have refpe5l unte41 thy Commandments. The re.,fon why men indulge any one lun, is, becaufe they pick and cull their duties, and fo indeed,ferve not thewill of God,but their own choice, Oh, how many are this anfwer the Lord with half obedieice, like the Eccho, which in kes not s perfect refpondence of the voice, but of foie part thereof ? Many make fuch a difference amongil the rabies, as if only o:le fide, or one part were of Gods writing : Oh Sirs, this will not do, this will undo ; the man that like Agrippa,doch buf drocncl. believe, almofit repent, almofl conform to the will of God, th t man fh it be Caved proportionably, almofl. One fin unrepente:l of will calif,: you to mifcarry to all eternity : one crack in a bell maymake it unferviceable, unrunable, and till it be new calf it is good for no- thing : one wound may kill your bodies, and fo may one fin your fouls. QhChrinia"ns, what had become of you and I ? if J,:fus ChriP had fa- tisfied the juPice of God for all but one fin ? There is a Text in Ezekiel, that is ufually taken fora place of the greaten mercy in the whole book of God, When the wicked turneth away from his wickednefs, that he Eick. r 8.z7s hathcommitted, and doth that which is lawful and right, he Pall five his foul alive. You have to the fame purpofe, ver. 21,22 of the fame Chapter, but praymark what follows, ver. 28. Becaufe he c ofdereth, and turneth away from all his tranfgrefon that he hath committed, re mercy robe expedted f-om thic Scripture, uniels a man turn away from allhit tranfgreffïons. 2 Tim.2.21. the veflel of honour i di+lin,,u;filed from the vePielof difhonour, by thischaradter, that it is fang;ßed and prepared for every good work: and this is the com:r.en lationof Zachary, and Elizabeth, they were óoah righteotes before God, walking In _II the Cina- L.alce 1.6. mandments, andordinances of the Lordblamelefs. Halting in Religion is a K z trouble-