Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serrn.3. tie difeaieredadMortified l preached to Chrifisown )ifciples, Tlir bonus di' pitu,nen eft' qui corneas non habet, fed qua carnem fuana mortificat : a good man is not one that bath no fleth,but he that bath crucified thefief with the affet-lionsand lofts, GaI.s.2g. Ic is withour finfui body,as with our natural body : If you cur a Wen or any Exccefcence of that nature, it will grow again, and again, and it will be an hard matter tobe rid of it all your daies : So though every day we be paring awayour lufis, yet theygrow again. To dole all, Go on andperfevere in the fubduing and killing of thybe- loved Lufi : Mortification is a work once done, and yet in this life it is alwaies a doing : Tnere are fome things that confifl of an iteration of multipliedaft3 ; as in Wedlock, perfons are actually married at once, the Husband furrenders hirnfelf unto theWife, and the Wife furren- ders her felt unto her Husband, and yet if they live together, furably to that near relation ; marriage is as it were renewed every day : there is a continual furrender of themfelves each toother: So 'Lis here, when the foul is fin i converted, thebeloved fin is mortified, and yet there is a continual mortification of it : this is a duty that confifis not in any one act, though never fo good, never fo vigorous : but 'cis a continued as of the whole life. 'Tis nor killing finat one blow ; the flrength offin de- caies by degrees,it begins in the weakningof fin, and ends in the de- firoying of fin. sin dies a lingring death, therefore let us go on in this great and neceffary work. Youknow Sampfon denyad,and deny'dDali- lah for force time, andwould not difcover where his flrength lay : but not holding out ; helofl his flrength and his life to boot : beware of A- pofiacy. Crabsthat go backward are reckoned amongji unclean creatures, Lev. i Fallow; non dicitur, quadnonperfeverat is a maxime, a Will not finifhed, is no Will : a Deed, unlefs it be figned,fealed, anddelive- red, is no Deed. TheSacrifice that was otfcred upunto God, was not towant fo much as the cayl, Lev.3.6. True Chriflians hate fin fo per- fecily, that theycannot bequiet till it be utterly abolifhed. Firfi, they go to God for Jufhification,ne damnet : then for Sanóification, ne regnet, for Glorification, sirfir. Let us befaithful ai to this fpiritstaldeath, that aee may 'strive Groomof life. Amin. 7L Gal. S. z4. What. t