7° 4 chain o f Principles. Aph. z. rive rì religando becaufe by the true Re= ligion improved mens fouls are tied and fattened to the fupremeBeing) it unites us to God and to Chrift. The graces ofunion are efpecially Faith and Love; Chriftian Religion is made up rîab. 2.i2. ofthere two. 1Çif the Son, faith David, which implyeth the affer &ion of love; Bled are all they that put their trui him, which holds forth an exprefsion x Tim.t.i ;. of faith. Rold fall the form of found lvords, faith Paul, which thou haft heardof me, in faith and love, which is in Chrift fuss. Love is the fulfillingof theLaw, faith the fulfillingof the Gofpel, both the fulfilling of Chriftian Religion. Thefe two pipes being rightly laid from a Chriftians foul to the fountain of livingwaters fetch in from thence a dayly fupply of fuch grace as will certainly end in a fulnefs of glory : whereas worldlings all the pipes of whole fpirits are laid to cifterns, bro- ken cifterns that can hold no water, muff needs continue empty fti ll; and for