Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

eÁChain of Principles. 3 to which I proceed by certain fteps. Exerc, 2 I. Religion is a thing which diftin- guifheth men from beafts more then reafon it felf -loth. For tome brute beafts have appearances of reafon none of Religion. Man is a creature addicted to Religion may perhaps be found as true a definition, as that which is commonly received Man is a livingcreature induedwith reafon. II. Some kinde of Deity is ac- knowledged every where throughout the world, andwherever a Deity is ac- knowledged fome kinde of worfhip is obferved. Should a Synode of mere Philofophers be convented to confult about the matters ofGod, I make no queftion but in the iffue of their de- bates theywould pronounceone Ana- thema againft ,AtbeiJme and another Among the Rgrnanes `Parcu,4 Denrarn agarnft irreligion. culrort,M ár- to worship fparingly was accounted i q uIl the next door to being an Atheift. I I I. Nonebut the trueGod candif- cover what the true worship of God L is.