Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

.i CainofPr nciples. S men, neither be thou envious at the picked. Exerc. z. Another of his vertues is Ma- gnanímity,which he defcribeth to be the judgingofa mans felf worthyofgreat things whenhe is fo. Whereas our Sa- viour diredeth us even when The have Luke I7.TQ done all things that are commanded us, yet to Jay we are unprofitable f rvants. He would have fuch a perfon a defpifer , 3'r;/" and contemner of others which is :; plainly Pharifaical; thinks all that favourethofhumilityunworthyofhis magnanimous man , whereas Solomon telleth us, It is better to be of an humble Prov.16.i9. ffirit with the lowly, then to divide theTfioil Did, the proud. Yea he alloweth him in cafe of contumely to fpeak evil of his adverfaries, whereas our Saviours rule is, blefs them that curl you, prayfor tbem matt-5.44. that de. iteJùlly u/you. F.XER-