Chain ofPrinciples. 85 Oracle. The written are the two tables Exerc. 3. of the Law, called byStephen the live- As 7.37. ly oracles, and the Canonical books of Scripture, as well tholeof the oldTe- flament of which Paul fpeaketh when hedeclareth it as the great priviledge of the Jews, that to themwere committed the Rom.3.2. oracles of God ; as thole of the New, to which Peter is like to have had a pe- culiar relpea in that layingof his, If ` Pet.4.11° any man (peak, let him fpeak ¡ the oracles of-God, Ws AaNa ®J. Efpecially if his meaningbe to admonifh fuch as fpeak in congregations, publick teachers,or as another Apollle ftyleth them Mini- Z Cor.3'.. fiers of the neú' re/lament, that they be carefull to deliver Scripture truths in Scripture-words New-Teíament- matter in New-Tef+ament-language,, taking the particle uic in that text for a note, not offìmilitude but of identi- ty ; as when it is Paid We beheld his J,1m = =4i glory the glory a of the onely begot- ten of the Father, it is not meant of a glory like his, but the very fame ; So M3 let