Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

86 11 Chain of Principles. Aph. z. let. him (peak a the Oracles of God; Vid. Gerhard that is the felf-fame things which Convent. in 1 Pet... pag. God path fpoken inhis word. 631, 634. §.z. The word A621a, whereby heathen writers had beenwont to exprefs their oracles, ( chiefly fuch are were uttered in profe, while fuch as weredelivered in verle went under the nameof2s, or) was'enfranchifed by the holy Ghoil, and applied to the books of Scripture to intimate (as I conceive) that there books were to be of like ure to Chri- iians, as thole oracles had been to In.. fidels whereof take a five-fold ac. count. I. Thofe declared to heathen men the will of their Idols whence allo theyhad their names of Ab,ra from xe'yEiv, and oracula from orare,quod inerat illis Deorum oratio, as Tully giveth the ety- mologie, becaule they contained what the Gods fpake and delivered to be their minde. The Scriptures in like manner contain the minde ofJehovah. Somewhat of his nature we may learn from