Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

90 1 Chain of `rind:les. Aph. z. ratio, a contparifon onely, not a parallel) fuf.- ficiently intimate that all the Oracles of God are to be confulted and alío that their counfel is to be refred in. I Mall therefore be bold to fay to him that reads , whoever he be, as leho/ha. Chron.18.4. phat once did to Ahab, Enquire Ipray thee of the word ofthe Lord to day ; As Paul to C°i°ff 3. i6. his Colofsians Let the word of Chríf1 dwell in you richly in all wfdome. yea as Ich.5. 39. C rift to his hearers Search the Scri- ptures. Other books may render men learned to oftentation, none but thefe can make them really wife to,falvation. Philofophical fpeculations, quaint no- tions and strains of wit,ifcompared w`h thefe oracles,arebut as fo many fpiders webs to catchlies, fitter for the taking then the faxing of fouls. 4.5. I V. Thofe were exceedingly prized by fuch as enjoyed them, as the great advantage of their States, and the great donativeoftheirGods, who were thought to gratifie their worfhippers bynothingmore, then by oraculardif coveries.