Chain of Principles. r 9 coveries. Thefe are certainly thehigh- Exerc. 3: eft priviledges wherewith a people can be gratified; witnefs that difcourfe of Paul in the beginningofhis third cha- pter to the omanes ; where he handles and decides the controverfie between Reigiuu,n ct la funt ar- Jew and Gentile about precedencie. c7ifiima. Reli- gioimc Content in Religion is wont to tie the fiant acme(odib - faflef$ knots of mutual accord ; but.R .eddineweb- there are no greater animofities then fCen`e convüia clebitagenti, thofe that arife from diverfityof pro- Qtt; geni=ale caput propudiofa felsions. The Jews of old abhorred nie:i . Septima gndçgg the Gentiles as uncircumcifed igno¡ diee ttiu iqu rant Idolaters; the Gentiles on theother mnr nvta - 9 f fide deridedthe Jews for their circum- fati D rnoi1 o Rud i;na- 1 g. cifon as favouringofobfcenity, & for boins.ei. . lib. . their fabbaths,. as favouring idlenefs: Paul who was bybirth a Jew,byoffice a teacher of the Gentiles well knew what fewds, and alfowhat odds there were between them ; yet equally in- volves them in theguilt oforiginal fin throughout the whole fecond chapter. And becaufe theJew, who floodupon his points eí}eeming himfelf every N z way