4 Chain of Principles. g His advice to his fon is, Takefall hold of Chap, 4.13. in/Iruftion, let her not go; keep her for /he is thy life. Yet the martyrs parted even with their lives to fave their fouls our keeping . of theCe is really as of great concernment as the keeping ofour ve- ryfouls, for fo faithSolomon, He that Chap. i9.1G. keepeth the cómandynent,keepethhis omnfoul. EXERCITATION 4. How Scripture- Oracles far excell thof of the hea- then in point ofpelicuity, ofpiety, of veracity, ofduration, andof authority. The divineautho- rity ofScriptureafferted by two arguments. An inference from the whole Aphorifne. §. I. T Aving fliewed wherein they EXerc.q. "agree I am now to make known wherein there Scripture-Ora- cles differ fromand excell thole other. viz. I. In point of perfpicuity. Apollo's oracles were delivered in fo dark and ambiguous terms as gave the Greci- ans, though they were his chief wor- hip,pers, occafion to ftyle him by the name