Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

foz. Aph. z. -- Sibylline fata cremavit ovil. Vide Baron. tom.4. ad an- numCirifii 389. n. 56. & Malin. Vates p. I8z. Chain o fTrin.ciAles. tarchwrote a bookof theirdefe&: and adeftruetion of the latter after Chrif$i- anity had taken root in the Romane empire when Stitico burnt the Sybils books as fomenters ofpaganifme and profanefs. He that was manifeted to deftroy the works of the devil flopped the mouths of thole evil Angels that gave anfrers by oracles. The Sun of righteoufnefs arore and thole wilde beafls were forced tobetake thetnfelves to their dens. Then was the prince ofthis world judged and his Angels diflodged for the Lord Chrifl had eje6ted them.. But the old Teflament Scriptures received a firong confirma- tion from Chrift by his appealing to them arguing from them and ex- pounding of them. Yea fo far were the Oracles ofGod from any diminu- tion by his coming preaching and dying that they received not a con- firmation onely but a glorious au- gmentation, in that within a while af- ter there was added to them by his Secre-