ifChain of Principle's.' i o5 to day yeflerday and for ever , al- 'Exert, 4 though not incarnate till the fulnefs of time came, and then made fie/h : So the wordofGod,alehough till Mofes received a command toput it in writing, there wanted that kinde of incarnation,was for fubflance the fame beforeand after. And as the written 'wordagreed with the unwritten fo doth one part of that which is written harmonize withan- other. The twoTeflaments, Old and New, like the two breaf1s of the fame perfon give the fame milk. As if one draw water out of a deep well with velfels of different mettal one of brafs, another of tin, a third of earth, the water may feem at firfl tobeof a different colour; but when the veffels are brought near to the eye, this diver- fityof coloursvanifheth, and the wa- ters tailed ofhave the fame relifh : So here, the different ftyleof the hifforio- graphers from Prophets of the Pro- phets from Evangelifts,ofthe Evange- lifts from Apoftles may make the P truths