To the `treader. Thirdly, 4 Chain alío for the x'orthand dignityofit, Prov. i.9. They ¡hall be an ornament of Grace. unto thine head and Chains a- bout thy neck. Perfons of ,Quali- ty and Authority they are wont to wear their golden chains wherewith they are let out and Gen.4,4z; Dan, ç . a y. adorned. It is the exprefsion of Ezek- i6.i t, Chri fi to hisChurch,Cant.i. i o.Thy cheeksarecomely with rows fjemeis. Thy neck with chains of gold. And again , Canticles q., 9.. Thou haft raviflied any heart, my filter,. myfpouf, thou haft rani fhed my heart with one ofthine eyes, with one Chain ofthy nec&This f /leyne and Body of Truth which is here in part commended unto us is the precious and glorious 2 chain