4Chain of Principles: 123 Menander, belides many other tertimo- Exerc. t. nies make it appear that the notionofMae, 7- ).etn9. 9scJ tiSV ".i` thefe things was entertained by theZvi- fer fort both of Philofophers and Po- 'f" 7rúvv drí ets and that which they held of a 7n. Mcuac4, world to come is a topick f ùflicient to argue from, for the being of a God in the world that is. III. If he do ¡t4îJ ícere look up- wards to a rank of creatures above himfelf I mean good and evil fpirits, ofwhich the heathens were not igno- rant; witnefs their large difcourfes of Demons, of Intelligences, and ofa bo- nus ' maluc Genius. For if fuck crea- tures as Angels be acknowledged fo good holy wife and powerful! as they are laid to be by all that take no- tice of them, they muff have a maker better, holier wilier and powerfuller then themfelves ; feeing the route is al- ways more noble then the lie e f , and hath that perfection which it cominuy nicates much more eminent in it felE If there beDevils, whole mifchiefand R 2 might