Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

To the edder. chain upon the neck of the true Spout of Chri flwhichmakes her to look p, andamiably in the eyes of her Beloved, and di- ftinguifhes her from all falfe and counterfeit lovers. To all this we may finally add, . what it is in thevery Vorkit Pelf, and the contrivances ofit : where-. in ( not to anticipate the thoughts ofiothers that shall perufe it)found- nefs ofjudgement with elegancy of exprfsion Sublimityof ACotion with fobriety offpirit; Variety of reading with accuratenefs of compofure; Sweetnefs of 'wit with favourinefs of heart, do feem to be linked together in fo rare, and happy a conjunlion , as which males. this Chain of Princi- ples