Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

4 Chain of Principles. Aph, 3. contenting himfelf to have got the nameof 3ove in imitation of 'Jehovah., the incommunicable name of God, prevailed with his deluded followers to afcribe unto him that which the Lord of heaven and earth affumeth to himfèlfin this nnyf}erious place ofEx- odaus , faying I am that I am. For over the gate of Apollo's temple in the city ofDelphi, f o famed for oracles, was en- graven in capital letters this Greek vvord 'El', which fignifxes Thou art , vvhereby thole that came thither to vvorfhip, or to confult Satans oracle, vvere inflr.0&ed to acknovvledge him the fountain of being, and the onely true God: as one Ammonius is brought in difcourfing at large of this very thing in the laft Treatife of Plutarchs morals, vvhereunto I refer the reader. 9. 4. As to the point ofdivinefubi fiflence, 7ehova Elohifn, Father, Son and Dertsindivise Holy Ghofl : three perlons but one unto in rrira- , tare, N incon- God ; or in Leo s exprefsion, One God f ase tvimbs in Unitrate. without do i on In a Trinity offer/ns,and three