142 A Chain of Principles. Aph. 3. tionof mencommonly knownby the name of Socinians, who although they maintain againfr Atheifts the Perfona- litie and Eternitie of God the Father, have confounded Chriflian Religion by denying the Eternitie of the Son, whole Perjonalitie they acknowledge ; and theperfonalitie of the Spirit, whore Eternitie they confefs. Methinks it fares with thefe three bleffed Perfons as with thofe three noted wells of which we reade in the twenty fixth ofGenefis. Two ofthem 'ha's fervants were en- forced to ftrive for with the herdmen of Gerar, whichmade him call theone Efek, that is, contention, the otherSit? nah, that is hatred. A third they got quiet po%tsion of, and he called the name of it nlehoboth , faying NoT9 the Lord bath made room for U5. The Fathers Godhead is like the well Rehoboth , which there was no ftrife about , the Sons divinity like the well Efek , we are forced to contend for that, as alto for the Deity of the Spirit, which is as