Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

t$129 . Chain o/ Principles.. Aph.;. Carttic.t.;, Nrfcit divtn.t, gutnon oyat, qui on anat. Jo. Eufeb opo'ir. pag. 91. Nicolnb,The- Ezek. z8, zi. compared with verte z6. pkef.1. t 3. Whence thoffe exprefsions in Solo-: mons long, 13ecaufe of the favour of thy good ointments, thy name is as an ointment pouredforth , therefore do the Virgins love thee, He doth not know the things of God ( faith a late writer well who loth net deßre and love them. 4. 6. Thirdly, Senfe of interefl. Of the Zidonians God Paid, They íhall know that I am. the Lord : But ofhis ownpeo- ple Ifrael, They (hall know that,, Iam the Lord their God. Paul of the beleeving Ephefians concerning Chriff, In whomye trolled, after that ye had heard the word of truth, the Go.el ofyourfalvation. Others may confider the Gofpel Rs a word of truth, and a d.otrine holding forth fal- vation ; but filch as are favingly ene lightened and fantîified by the Spirit, view the falvation it holdeth forth as theirs , and are ready to fay of every truth therein contained, This isgoodand good for me. Happy man whofoever thou art, that canfl look by an eye of faith at the Gofpel as the Charter of thy