166 chain of Principles. Aph. 4. lad ofHofa,where IJrael had no fooner faid, In thee the fatherlefs findeth mercy, Hof. ,4. 3,4. but it followeth immediately,Iwill heal their back Hidings, I mill love them freely. But left any thould furfet on thefe Tweet meats, take we heed. 4.. 5. Secondly Of abu/ing mer- cy by prefumption. Mercie improved openeth to us the furefl refuge; Mercy abufed brings upon us the forefl vengeance. It would be con. fidered that there is one kinde ofpre- fumers whommercy it felf is refolved to have no mercy on, fo long as they continue fuck : to wit, thole that dare expect it, notwithftanding their refo- lution to go on in their impenitence, and ignorance of God. For thus faith the God of heaven concerning him, ne"t °zs `', Who bleJth himfelf in his heart, laying, I [hall have peace, though Iwalk in the ima- gination ofmy heart to add drunken- nefs to tlrirft, TheLord will notfÿ.are him, but theanger of the Lord andhis jealoufie fBallfmoke againft that man ; and the curfes that