168 e..4 Chain ofPrinciples. Aph. 4. neither pill 'í f jiare neither will I repent arc. Wo and again wo to them all, againfl whom mercy it telf (hall rife up. in judgement. 'Look as the power ofGod, though infinite, receives limi- tations from his will ; He could have made millions of worlds, would make but one : In like manner his infinite mercy is all() limited by his will ; and his word the interpreter of his will; plainly telleth us that,as Phyficians be- ginwith preparatives, fo he begets fear in their hearts whom he intendeth Pfa'. io?. ,3, mercy to. Look a a father pittieth his a7,18. his children, /o the Lord pittieth then that fear him. The mercy of the Lord is from everlafling to everla/ling upon them that fear him, to fach a keep his Covenant, and to thofe that remember his commandments to do them. Not they that prefume but that fear; not fuck as break but as keep his Covenant ; not .thole that for- get but that remember his Com- mandments to do them ; or at leaft whole earneft delires and endeavours are