Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

a àin©f Principles. i are that way bent,mayexpeaand Ilan. Exerc. 2 receive mercy from him. They {wall finde by fweet experience the infalli- ble truthof what M' Peacock oncefail rt` R. Benton$ Inít & ruons upon his recovery out ofa deep and pn,.87. longdefertion, viz. That the lea is not more full of water nor the fun of light, then the Lord is ofmercy. EXERCITAT1ON 2. Grace what. From it fpring Elec ion, Redemption, Vocation, Sanctification andSalvation. A Cave- at not to receive it in vain. It purgeth and cheereth. Glof es upon Titus 2. 11112. and z Theft". 2. 26,17. The exaltationoffreegrace exhorted to..Long-fufring not exercifid to- wardsevil Angels, but towards men ofall forts. it leadeth to repentance ; is valued by God, and m,ui notbefleightedby us. Adreadfull example ofgoodnefs deHid. §. i. A Second branchof Gods good. nef s is Grace, which relates to unworthinefs,as the former did to mi- fery. Çod is mercifull to the ill-defer, din Gratious to the undeferving. So far are