A Chain of Principles, epiflIe to the Rernanes ; and telleth his Exerc, 2 Ephefans that God had chofen them in apher. 1.41 Chriíí before the foundation of the ss r. world, according to the good pleafure ofhis will, to the praife of theglorieof f his wr. . ,, grace. Haft thou obtained redemption through the bloud ofJefus ? That al- fo, faith he there, flows from the riches o f his grace. Hath the Lord effe,ually called thee Bow down thine head and adore fre race as the caufe thereof. For 7 faveth and called) us z Tim. _. 9. faith the fame holy Apo:ftle with an holy calling , not according to our works , but according to his own purpofe and grace: So in the Ats when a great num- ber beleeved and were turned to Chriífianity, Barnabas fäß the grace Ofaet. = =.1=.23e God, íhining forth in their converfion. Haft thou received any abilities tend- ing either to thine own fanftifi cation, or to the edification ofothers ? Do the like upon this occafion too , as Paul did, Paying, By thegraceof God Iamwhat = Ccro 15. _? 1 am; and hisgrace, which was be/lowed up- 74 2 on