I72, rJ Chain t f Principles. Aph. q.. on me wad, not invain; but I laboured more abundantly then they all ; yet not I, but the grace of God which was witl, me. In a ward , doff thou finde in thy felfany beginningsoffalvation,any hopes that it fhall bepedaled? Remember what that great offerter of freegrace bath left Eph. 2.3. upon record to alt pofterity. by grace, ye are favedthrough faith ; and that not of your ¡elves, it is thegift of God. Remem- ber it fo, as a.3. Firfr, to bew a of receiving the grace ofGod invain, it being ordained for betterends, towit, purging andcheer- Tí_as 2.1 7,T 2. ing of fach as receive it. Thegrace o f God that bringeth falvation, bath appeared to all men, teaching sis that denying ungûdli. nefs andworldly lulls, we fhould live Joberly, righteoufly and godly in this prejent woxld. All partakers ofgrace fhouldnot ones ly denie that grofs ungDdlinefs ofcon. verfation, which the very funs ofmo- ralitiedecrie and abhor; but alfo1,orldly, lass , which others are fecretl:y indul- gent. to. Neither fhould they content them-