Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

Chain o f Principles. 173 themfelves with anegative purity,fuch Exerc. z. as that of the Pharifee was, 1 am not a Luke i$..11. other men ; not as this publicane; not an ex- tortioner, not an adulterer, (Logicians fay of this particle 1ót, that it is ofa mali. gnant nature ; Divines know that the malignant Church is much built up by fuck. negatives) but a,lfo praife pofitive holinefs, by living foberly, righ- teoufly and godly, and that too in this pre Pent world : not putting on a vizard of .thefe, as the manner offome is, on a lick bed, or death bed, when they can no' longer look at themfelves , as men of this world, but ofanother. As for cheering , remarkable is that prayer made in behalf of the Theffalonians, Now our Lord lefws Chr ft himflf, and God z Th lI even our Father, which bath-loved us, and 16' bath given us everlafling confolation and good hope throughgrace, comfortyour hearts. it implieth that whereas we cannot pofsibly raife from our felves any ground of hope,, or have any la1 ing, much lets everlaífingconfolation from Z 3 the