Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

1744 Aph. 4. Kon efi devotio- n3 decFif% prope totum,fed frau- dcs retinuxev.l minimum. Chain o f Principles. thecreatures, Grace is a firm founda- tion for both. And this is it, which hath put theprince ofdarknefs (whole defire-it hath always been to keepmen in as hopelefs and comfortlefs condi- tion as hecan ) uponufing his utmoft endeavours in all ages of the Church, either to obítruâ the doctrine of free grace, as by Pelagian and Arminian te- nents, or to poi!on this fountain with corrupt : dedutions and inferences, as byAntinomians and Famililis. Wherefore remember it fo, as §. 4 Secondly, In all thy tenents and difcourfes to magnifie and exalt that to which thou oweít fo very much, indeed thine All that good is. Think it not enough, with force, of a thoufand parts toafcribe nine hundred ninety andnine to freegrace, referving but one forfree -Till for as rProfper re- folves the cafe well, It is not devotion to give almofl the Tobole to God, but deceit to retain the leafl part. And again, Grace is Tholly repelled, where it is not wholly enter- tained. Ê'iratia Dei tota repeititur, nifi Iota fufcipiatur.