Chain ofPrinciples. 175 rained. I lilt not now to difpute the Exerc. 2. point.: Onely let me have leave tocom- mend to thy reading and obfervation a paper of verfes inferred by certain Divines that were prefent at the Synod of Dort, into their fuffrage, and com- prehending a briefdecifionof the five Articles there debated,, with a pious in- ference fromthence; becaufe with me they have ever been of great eíceem. lince I firft met with them in the Aâs of that Synod. Gratia ota'Dei certos elegit abcvo; A6ta synod: Dordred. in Vat Chrißium certisgratia f la D.ei; 4 ° Pas. 293. Gratiafola.,Deifidei dat muneia certis; Starefacit certos gratiafola Dei. Gratiafold Dei dun nobis omnia donet, Ornia nofira regat gloria fola Dei.. In Englilh thus, Freegrace alone elected jrne to blif; / Freegrace alonegave Chrifl to deathfor fine; In force free grace works faith that fa- wing is,, Some