Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

176 Aph. q,. aper z, 4. z Pet. 3.9, Rom,9.z+ . . Chainof Principles. Some byfree grace to perJeverance come. Since Gods foie grace doth all our good provide, Let Gods foie glory all our motions guide. 4.5. A third branchofdivine good- nefs is Long- ufriná ; whereby God bathbeen pleafed toput a notable dif- ference between Angels that fell, and the lapfed Ions of Adam. Of them Te- ter faith, GodBared not the ,Angels that finned, but call them down to hell, anddeli- vered them into chains of darknef,to be re- irved unto judgement. This was quick and fpeedy work. But the Lord faith the fame Apot le, is Long /firing to us- ward. Heexercifeth much patience, ve- ry much even towards all , though veffels of wrath. For fo Paul, What if God willing to Phew bis wrath and tomake his power known, endured with much long- Aping the veffels of wrath fitted to de- firuElion ? How profane was the old world ? Howwicked a place was 7e- ricbo ? yet was he one hundred and twenty