Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

44 Chain(Tramples. 177 twenty years inwarning thofeof that Exerc. i. age, before he brought the deluge up- on them : Andhe that made theworld in fix, was leven days in defìroying that one city. Thegreat Do&our of the Gentiles was not much more then thirty years old, when God converted him : yet we findehim lookingat this as infinite patience, as all long-fufl'er- ing, that he was born with fo long. I obtained mercy (faithhe) that in mefirs = Titnmi. 6, jefus Chrì3t might'hewforth411 long fufr- ing. How fenfible then ought they to be of this Attribute, whomGod bath bornwith fourty, fifty, fixtyyears,and í}i11 continueth to cryunto , as it is in Habakkuk, Wo to him that increafeth that Habak. 2.6 which is not his : ,mom long.? as in Jere- my,0 Jerufalemwafh thine heartfrombick. Jere .404 ednef3, that thou mail lefared : How long ¡hall thy vain thoughts lodge tibithin thee ? And again, Wo unto thee 0 lerufalem, wilt :fermi 3.17. thou not be made clean ? WhenMall it -onzce be. All whichplaces declare fufficient- lythat the long- fuffering God doth in Aa a