I78 Aph.4. Rom. a, a o. Tvl"' Greenham in his rrearife inriruled, .A fzceet comfort for an afjiicicd confcience on Prov.i 8si 40 orca ;nedarpm. el Chain ofPrinciples. a manner long to fee our converfion to him. 4. 6. And that indeed is the moil proper ufe we can make hereof accord- ing to Pauls expoí}ulation,Thjefl thou the riches of his goodnef and forbearance, and long-/uß'ring > not knowing that the gooclnefs of God leadeth thee to repentance. Verily wecannot meet on this fide hell with a worfe temper offpirit then that which inclines a firmer to defpife the forbearanceofGod,and to kick againft the bowels of his goodneís As that profane Arian did, who was executed at Norwich , concerning whom NI" Greenham acquainteth us with this ftrange and prodigious narration. " This hellifh heretick, faith he ( for `` fowere the deniers of Chrifs Divi- "nity accounted of in thofe days " whatever thoughts be had of them " in thefe) a littlebefore he was to be " executed., afforded a few whoriíh "tears, asking, whether he might be as faxed. by Chrift or no ? When one told. 6C