Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

Chain ofPrinciples. 179 " told him that if he truly repentedhe Exert. 2. " fhould furely not perifh ; he brake `` out into this fpeech, Nay f your Chrii befo eafie to beentreated indeed , a you t ` fa then I defie him, and care not for " him. Horrible blafphemy ! defpe- rate wickednefs for a man to draw himfelf back from repentance by that very cord of love, whereby he fhould have been drawn to it. The next de- gree ofimpiety is, whenmen are there,* fore bold to continue long in finning, becaufe hewith whom they have todo is a long-fuffering God. A vice which the Preacher of old took noticeof. Be- cattle f ntence again,* an evil work is not executed freedit therefore the heart of the fins of men is fully [et in them to do evil. But let inch fear and tremble at what followeth, Though afinnerdoth evil Eccles 8 r Y, an hundred times, and his days be prolonged; 'z' I ' yet furely I know it pall not be well with the wicked. The Lord valueth every .mo- ment ofhis forbearance, as in the pa- rable, Behold thefe three years I come Peek- Luke Y3.7. A a 2 in$