iSo 4 Chain ofPrinciples. Aph. 4. ing fruit on this fig-tree, and finde none; Chrift fets an high price upon every exercife of his patience, as in the Can- Cantic. 5.z. tides, Open to me,formy head isfilled with dewandmy locks with the drops ofthe night. Take we heedoffleighting that which God and Chrift value. Knowand con- fider that patience may be tired that however the Lord be long-fuffer- ing, yet he will not fuffer for ever, but beweary ofrepenting in cafe menwill not be weary of finning. Hear what was oncefaid byhimfelfto jerufalern, jereiro5.6. Thou forfaken me,faith the Lord, thou artgone backward : therefore will Ifiveteb out my handassaiqi thee, anddefiru thee: I am weary with repenting. EXER°- - .J