ifChainofPrinciples. 181 Exerc. 3. EXERCITATION 3. The bounty of Goddeclaredby hisbenefits , viz. gi- ving hisSon to free Ili fromhell, his Spirit to ft as for heaves, his Angels toguard to on earth, largeprovifions in then ay, and full fatisfailion atour journeys end. Joh. 3. i6. James 1. 5. and PIal.241. i. Gloffed. Ifai 25.6. Alluded to. in- ferences from divine Bounty beneficence to Saints; notdealing niggardly with God, exempli- fied in David, Paul, andLuther. Truth inGod is without allmixture ofthe contrary. it appears in his makinggoodofpromifis, and threatnings; teaching as what toperform andwhat to expel7. §. t. Ur Bibles in the next clause, g use of the generical term have it, Abundant in goodnef. I will make bold to vary a little from the common tranflation, and to reade it, Abundant in bounty,becaufe theword, as Zancby and others have observed molt properly fïgnifieth that kinde of 19ri prop¡iè goodness which we call Bounty or igisemG' ú r Benignity, andwhich maketh a fourth liftbeice22uaalemmbenc- . branch. This God is abundant in : zanch.deI>Ta tur. Dei, L i. witness the greateft of his gifts, by which we are wont to mealùre the Fullers msfcel lan. lib, x.c e4, A a 3 bounty