I'82 Aph,:4. . Chain ofPrinciples. bounty of benefadours. I fhall in- ftance in forme ofthe chief. Hebeftow- ethupon us, Job. 3 =6. Firm His fon tofree usfrom hell. God Jo loved the world that he gave his onely be- Wen coneef e ' fed puri,n gotten Son. He did not grant him upon dedr, S eila, the requeft and earnest fuit of lapfed creatures ; but freely gave himunask- ed; not a fervant but a Son ; not anad. opted fon, fuch as we are, but a begot- Jam, :. s, ten, begotten, not as Saints are ofhis will by the word oftruth but of his Na- ture; he him:felf being the Word and the Truth; not one ofmany, but an one- ly Son thus begotten ; and this not for the procuring of fome petty delive- rance but that Zvhofoevsr beleeveth inhint _Mould not per, but have everlasting life.. Well might this. gift ofroyal bountybe ushered in with a God /o loved theworld. Non Gene con- Majesty and love have been thought veniunt, ncc in ttnafede moran- hardly compatible. Yet behold the t"' Maj fi`vs (7 y ear ma'eít of God b ing love, and that amó-; J to the world the undeferving, yea ill- deferving world ofmankinde, Hereiar is