. Chain o, fPrinciples. I g3 r love, (faith St John elfewhere, let me Exerc. 3. fay, herein is bounty) not that kw loved Joh 4. ro.. -God, but that he lovedus, and lent his Son to be the propitiation for our fins. Loved, and So loved ; that particle is moll em- phatical, and noteth the.tranfcendency of a thing either good or evil. Paul fpeaking of the incef+uous Corinthian decyphers him thus, Him that bath fo = Col. s, 3. done this deed; fo impudently, fo abomi- nably, fo unchriliianly. The officers being al onied at our Saviours do- marine, criedout, ever man hake fo as Joh, 7, 4E,. this man; fo excellently, fo powerfully, fo incomparably. Here, Godfo loved the world, that is fo freely fo infinitely, fo unfpeakably. The Apoftle himfelf, who had been rapt up to the third heaven, and there heard things not to be uttered wanteth words, when he cometh toutter this ; andufeth an ac- cumulation ofmany becaufeno one could ferve his turn to exprefs it fuffi= ciently. Not cántent to have f}yled it . love, mercie , grace ; as not having yet Paid