¡el of-God 1inifel f, theabridgement where- of we have in the doctrine of Chriflian eligion. Tow that tends to blejjdne f EXERCtTATION 2. Paz. 72. The infufficiencie of other ?.eligions for bringing men to the enjoyment of God in- ferred from their inability to d(cover his true worfhip. John 4.24. opened. God to be Zuof(hipped in and through (brill a le ffn not taught in naturesfchool. Faults in Ariftotles Ethicks. EXERCITATLON 3. Pag. 84. Oracles of God vocal, or -written. Books of Scripture fo called in five reileEts viz. In regard of their declaring and foretel- lïng, theirbeing conjulted, prisedandpre- ferred. EXERCLTATtON 4. Pag. 95. mow Scripture-Oracles fir excel thofe ofthe heathen inpoint ofperipicuity, ofpiety, of v`praw