1.8+ A ChainofPrinciples. Exert. 3. laidenough, he calleth it great love, glo- r'hc 1.4,s,7. rims ,grace; rich mercy- yea, exceeding ri ches ofhis glorious and mercfullgrace in his fecond chapter to the Ephefans. 4. Z. Secondly Hu Spirit to fit !us for heaven. Ottir heavenly Father is he Luke it. 13. that giveth the holy Spirit to them that ask him. The Spirit thus given worketh in us regeneration (weare therefore laid job. 3. s. 6. to beborn of theSpirit) and that real ho- linefs , concerning which the Apofle Hebre iz. 14. faith, without it no man (hall fee the Lord: So preparing us for that place which Z,,./ our Lord fetus is gone before toprepare for us. A daily converfation in heaven is the fureft forerunner of al conflant abode there. The Spirit, by enabling us hereunto, ñrfl bringeth heaven into the foul, then conduaeth the foul to it. Whence it is that Nehemiah, record- ing the as of Gods bounty to 1f- rael, reckoneth this as one ofthe prin. Nehem. 9. zo. cipal, Thou gavefl alfo thy goodSpirit to in flrurt them. Thirdly fingers to guard ws on earth.