Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

Chain of Principles. 185 earth. After David had faid The angel Exerc. rf the Lord encampeth round about them that rral,, 34.7a fear him , anddelivereth them headdeth immediately, 0 tane andfee that the Load isgood; herein good, in beftowing fuch a guard upon us. It was an a, ofroyal benignity towards Mordechai in king Ahafbuerus, to makeHaman the favou- rite, his attendant as he rode through the ftreets : Lo here a far greater ; the holy Angels thofe favourites in the Court ofheaven, are all miniftringßhits, 'ïhbr.` < } Pent forth to min f er for them 'mho:hall be heirs offalvation. A task which they performwithout grudging, (although . in themfelves more noble creatures then weare) both out of love to their younger brethren, ofwhom they have a moat tender care ; and out of obedi- ence to God their Father and ours, who hath given them charge fo to do, as it is in thePfalrn, He ¡hallgive his An- gels charge over thee , to keep thee in all thy Toays. Lay this to the former (as :Ber- nard did) and we íhall fee the whole B h heaven 3s i?n Pral,gzoxx: 1l4is t;e- nítitt I r u, irnnimitti4 Spiritum, nè quid aacet tn uelcflibus ab n- pee fo(icituvïi- singelos mittis an fferium.