Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

186 yi Chain of Principles. Aph.4., heaven at work for our. prefervation; God the Father fending his Son to re. deem us; the Fathet and Son fending their Spirit to guide us the Father, Son., and Spirit fending their Angels to minifter for us. O tafie and fee that the Lord is good bountifully good ! §..3. Fourthly, Large provifions in the Iiiay. We confif} ofbody and foul; he Time 6. 17. provideth plentifully for both.; giving 7ss richly all things to enjoy, as one Apoftle ;Jam, zo sò phrafeth it, yea as another giving unto all men libereilly. andnot upbraiding. Where- as ordinarybenefadours, by reafòn of their flinted abilities give either but a few things, or to a few perrons onely, or if to many, but fparingly;. and are befides apt to corrupt and blemifh Aat&res pave- their good turns by cafting them. in the rntgarrrUlitate Ai, Martial; receivers teeth, andniaking their boaft continually ofthem.:. all thefe ate here removed fromGod, whileft he is raid to give unto all men; and that liberal- ly, yea and fo as not to upbraid ; al- though-.