Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

AChain o, f Principlei. 187 though whatever men receive yea Exerc. /, . whatever theyare ( fin excepted ) be wholly his. That of the Pfalmift is very emphatical and well deferveth our confederation. the earth is the Lords, Pal. 24. and the fulnefs thereof, the 'world, and they that dwell therein. The houfe wherein a man dwelleth, may be his landlords; but the furniture his own. Here we are told that not the earth onely, but the fulnefs of it is the Lords. Both houfe and furnituremay be anothers; but he that inhabiteth it his own man. Here they that dwell therein are the Lords, the inhabitants themfelves as the room and the Buff. To which a- greeth that ofSt Paul,yeare not your own; = Cor. 6.19. and that of an ancient writer cited by I3einfiws. Our very being is none of Nofirum non efi ours . much lens the things we have in gilt ? mu tò minùs poffefsion. As for fpiritual provifions, qty°d hs1em44 his people ufe not to be fcanted in them. Another particular reckoned up byNehemiah, when he fet hjmfelfto ce- lebrate the acts of divine bounty to-- B b z wards