Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

iSS. Chaiñ of PrinGiplès. Aph. 4. wards Iira.el ,was the inílit.ution of Nchem, ,. 13. Ordinances. '1"hou cazprefl down aljö- ((aith: he fpeaking to God): upon mount Sinai, and .altefi with them from heaven, andga: Tefr<, them judgements and true laws,. gvodflatutes and commandments; andma'.deft knotn unto them thy holy. Sabbath.- One: way whereby great Primes ate wont . to; nanifeft. the-ix royal bounty is the.: m,aking, of great feafts as Ahafuerus,,, andSolomon did:: wei rn.ay fafely allude:; to the Prophets otpxefskón. ( though,: the place have another meaning) and fay of the Church in that refped, I,z. this mourztaix doth the Lord, of haFts,make unte all people a:; fe.aft rf fa.t., things: f wine'' on. the lees ; o. ff a.t thingsfull o fmarro*,, of wine on the lees well: r.efrned.. Good Ser-. naon,s andprayers,ar-e like weltrefinedx: wines : :a and as Chrl,ft:''laán3.:fel£is a5a,- viouir: ull.ofmerits,, fi4 is. Goifpela. ¡patine fúll.of 7rmi=%;s; h';Supper a:. full, ofrnylierie$: ;:. his. ; SAT,-;a_clay fii-ll.ofopportunities; all his 4, . 4u¡names fat things full ofmairow 4. + Fifthly,_