ifChain j`.Principles. 189 4.4. Fifthly Full fatifacTtion at our Exerc. journeys end. Now indeed, as the natu= ral, fo the fpiritual eye is not fatisfed with feeing , nor the fpiritual ear with hearing; becaulewe fee but a through a I Co'. X3.12. g afs darkly, not face to- face, and know but in part that of which we hear. Then ball eye and ear have enough when we fball f e Gadas be is; and hear Chri.f% = 7oh 3. _. fcrying Comeye bledofmy Father; iirhe- Math. Z$. 34 rit the kingdomeprepared fir you from the foundationofthe world._ Here aí.though beleeving fouls have fellowfhip with sijiiurappc. via,f'a G- d in Chrift; luffrcien-t to flay their tiatw in pairta, ftorr achs as at a. breakfaft; yet:that de- gree of fruition is wanting which . fhou.ld fatiate them fully, as at a feaft beyond that ofOrdinances.. What (hall there be enjoyed will replen:ifh every chink of rational appetites ;. the fi fl Truth filling up our underftandings,.. and thechief Gaod ourwills to the very brim:. Theafh.all:that be to the utrno: _,, veri which Da.'idonce faid ofre genet=pe fc s,.T'they hall beabundantly pre', 36, 8. 9, &:b 3, fatisfled